📣Let's hear them!!📣

We're near the end of the month, so I can't wait to hear your brags for June 😁 Put them below so we can all celebrate with you 👇👇

NEW MEMBERS -  if you haven't seen this post before, then please join in!!🙌 Your brag can relate to running or Pilates related, but it doesn't have to! Just share something you're really proud of this month 👍😁

Mine is clocking the start of an overtraining niggle after Endure 24 and doing what I needed to prevent it getting worse. 

Basically, I was a numpty and started doing too much too soon after that event.  Endure was a lot of mileage for me, plus the lack of sleep on the Saturday night.....my body just couldn't take it when I started doing long runs again the following week 😬 I felt a knee niggle come on towards the end of a 10.5 miler, so I eased off running again and switched to strength work to give myself some more recovery time.  That was really tough to do as I'm less than 12 weeks from my 1st marathon now.  Thankfully it seems to be working and hopefully I'm back on track with my marathon training this coming week!🥳

Can't wait to hear your June news!

Liz x