Catherine Brown

Abergavenny, United Kingdom

I've not been out of bed yet 😭 #&@+ing Covid 😷🤬


Sep 30 at 09:18 AM

Hi Liz (Pilates for Runners) I won't be joining tonight as I have managed to catch covid again 😭and to add insult to injury the little darlings in reception/Yr 1 have give me nits🤬


Sep 20 at 04:54 PM

Good luck, everyone


Sep 16 at 08:27 PM

Liz (Pilates for Runners) sorted it was the settings x


Sep 16 at 08:27 PM


Sep 15 at 01:19 PM

Ps how do I upload photos?


Sep 15 at 01:16 PM

Long run done this morning and no hip pain🏃🏻‍♀️🥳


Aug 09 at 07:47 AM

Thank you Liz (Pilates for Runners) this is amazing

Commented on Whole Body Stretch #11

Aug 04 at 10:28 AM

Woohoo I managed to finish the July challenge. Take that covid!

Definitely seeing improvements in my right hip mobility, pigeon is less uncomfortable on that side now

Aug 03 at 02:21 PM

I really enjoy this one, and finding it "easier" each time