
Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Liz (Pilates for Runners) I do all sessions via the app, from the calendar mostly.

My phone is Samsung A51


Liz (Pilates for Runners) the streak shows but no count on it. I've checked for updates and it's on auto update so I'm not sure

Oct 21 at 02:46 PM

How long does it take to see any days on the streak ? It does show anything on mine

Oct 10 at 09:06 PM

This one is really nice!

Sep 16 at 11:39 AM


Yesterday's Hackpen hill 10k

Aug 18 at 01:34 PM

I find the sofa softer for the top of my foot so also use the sofa


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Aug 11 at 07:45 PM

Commented on post was deleted

Aug 11 at 05:24 PM

Is there a way of stopping the sessions automatically rolling into the next session. I think it's 10sec before this happens and I'm sometimes not quick enough to stop it. I don't want the next session to show as done if I haven't done it. I then have to go back in and mark it as not done. Hope this makes sense

Jul 15 at 08:46 AM

Can't seem to play this video so I done single leg stability #9

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Jul 01 at 05:17 PM

It highlighted the imbalances I have between my good hip and me replaced hip. A continuous effort to get it back strong