Kath Richards

May 06 at 11:55 AM

That hopping definitely needs working on 😁

May 04 at 02:19 PM

Found the wall work with the ball really hard, don’t know if it’s because I’ve had a 5k trail and a mile race in the last couple of days, but I could only manage 8 each side instead of 12.

Maybe I’ll try with a cushion next time, see if that’s easier.

Nice session, bit like yin yoga 🧘

Apr 29 at 07:49 PM

Thanks Liz, some really helpful suggestions there. I’ll try them all and let you know how I get on. x


Apr 28 at 03:33 PM

That was a tough session!

Also, I keep meaning to mention that I struggle with pain in my wrists when supporting my weight for an extended time in shoulder exercises (that applies to all shoulder work, such as side and full planks). My arms and shoulders aren’t the strongest part of my body and I am working on strengthening them, but I suspect there may be an element of arthritis involved too.

Commented on Post Run Stretch #9

Apr 25 at 08:48 AM

My favourite post run stretch.

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 08 at 04:49 PM

Congratulations Andrea!

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 01 at 03:04 PM

Phew! Just completed the last session in this Challenge, glad to get it all done before we go on holiday later this week.

Good luck to everyone else aiming to get finished before the deadline👍

Mar 31 at 04:36 PM

Well done for signing up for your first marathon Liz@pilatesforrunners. I've never progressed beyond half marathons myself, I think I find the mental endurance just as hard as the physical. After about 10 miles I get bored 😄.

I really hope your knee holds up during training, I can recommend an excellent pilates website if you need one 😉. Seriously though I think we'd all be interested in hearing how your training progresses (if that's not too much pressure). Best of luck xx

No wins, proud moments or adventures for me this weekend  - just a slower than usual 10k, but nevertheless I was glad to get it done after my recent nasty cold. I suppose I did have a bit of an adventure, let's just call it a wardrobe malfunction resulting in me displaying more of my body than was welcome to my fellow runners. Just hoping there were no photographers at that part of the course.

Mar 28 at 11:19 AM

Whoops. PfR obviously not PfL 🙄
