Rachel A. Buddeberg

Cologne, Germany

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Feb 12 at 10:25 AM

Yes! This was a real nice one, especially for my knee stability!

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Feb 06 at 06:13 PM

Yea, my butt is burning now 🤣 (As usual I am a day behind...)

Feb 05 at 03:06 PM

Awesome, Amanda Broad ! Congratulations!

Feb 01 at 05:54 PM

What amazing photos! Thank you for sharing, Eloise Carrick ! And congratulations on your engagement!!!


Feb 01 at 05:52 PM

Okay, I gotta brag... I had a class at the Pilates studio yesterday - Mat & Tower. I am the newbie in that advanced class, so when we were doing airplane, the teacher was right next to me. To my amazement, I could do it fairly well!

If you want to see how it is done (I am not there yet! I used far too much arm power...): https://youtu.be/WWzeLyBEmn8?si=TV3KvhzvFRkiyNIw&t=81

Feb 01 at 05:49 PM

Happy birthday, Kath Richards ! I hope you started your new year with some nice Pilates for Runners 😉

Jan 28 at 07:37 PM

Congratulations to all who managed PBs (or helped others to them)! 

My second take of my post-Covid re-entry into running is going well, so I am happy with that. I am also proud to have completed this week's kick start videos, surprising myself that I find the energy to do them. I did opt for more rest Friday morning instead of going to a Wunda Chair class at the local studio...

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Jan 23 at 05:40 PM

Yes, this was a nice challenge! Really felt my lower abs engage especially in the last exercise 🥳

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Jan 21 at 04:17 PM

I just finished week 2 🥳 With that, I've had another week with Pilates on every day! I am sure life will interfere at some point 🤣

I didn't run this week since I am still struggling with post-Covid fatigue. Plus, Wednesday around noon, we got snow, which slowed down my walking. These two things seem to have helped me heal some more! My resting heart rate has come down, I feel less tired. So, the plan is to run a short and slow run tomorrow and, if all goes well, slowly increase... We'll see how that goes...

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Jan 14 at 07:10 PM

Just finished week 1 with the core workout 🥳 With that, I've done Pilates every single day: 3 classes in the studio and 4 here.