Jon Powell

Loerrach, Germany


Jul 22 at 10:24 PM

So, cutting a long story short! I started the NHS couch to 5km in 2018, I didn’t really consider myself a runner but was happy to manage 5 km in about 37min! In 2019 after progressively more pain throughout the year I was diagnosed with hip arthritis. I started Physio and got a personal trainer and with the help of both have been able to continue running up to the massive achievement of a half marathon in May this year! That high has since been over shadowed by an Achilles injury that has kept me from running now for 7 weeks… so what was a guy to do, given my already limited flexibility and pains my Physio told me Pilates would be good for me, finding a course here in Germany is not easy and coming across Pilates for runners is a great gift! I am looking forward to digging in, I am not at all well balanced or talented with this but hope to improve!!