Jon Powell

Loerrach, Germany


Oct 14 at 01:49 PM

Hi, I am unsure what I have done but I woke on Saturday morning with a really painful lower back. I get this sometimes when I stand for extended amounts of time. This time though it’s still painful now on Monday. I ran on Friday, a slow easy 6km and was at the gym on Thursday but I don’t recall doing anything that might irritate my back. Any tips how I might recover? If it’s still painful tomorrow I will be going to the doctor



Aug 17 at 11:46 AM

Liz (Pilates for Runners)following two years since the last time I took part in a race due to my achilles injuries I finally today stood on the starting line for the 10.7Km Zeiningen Quarter marathon (Switzerland). I absolutely know that the pilates has helped me in my recovery and I am looking forward to getting stronger ready for more races to come. I won't share my time, it wasn't very impressive but I finished the course that included 209m elevation so am very happy!



Oct 02 at 06:41 PM

I have not been able to run since the beginning of June, I have achilles tendonitis and frankly it's getting depressing as it just does not seem to get any better. I have regular physio, even receiving shockwave therapy, I am doing everything the physio asks but still little improvement :-( 

It is sad not being able to get outside and run through the forest, sad not to take part in events, sad to miss out on the local parkrun ... Liz (Pilates for Runners) this Pilates site has saved my marbles as I am pretty sure I would lose them otherwise .... 

I am taking part in the autumn challenge, if I can't run I need to keep up my fitness and strength and this looks ideal.



May 23 at 08:38 PM

After a lengthy pause due to health issues I am glad to be back and starting with Pilates again, will be spending time on hip stretching and mobility. Liz, the website is looking fabulous, well done! 




Jul 22 at 10:24 PM

So, cutting a long story short! I started the NHS couch to 5km in 2018, I didn’t really consider myself a runner but was happy to manage 5 km in about 37min! In 2019 after progressively more pain throughout the year I was diagnosed with hip arthritis. I started Physio and got a personal trainer and with the help of both have been able to continue running up to the massive achievement of a half marathon in May this year! That high has since been over shadowed by an Achilles injury that has kept me from running now for 7 weeks… so what was a guy to do, given my already limited flexibility and pains my Physio told me Pilates would be good for me, finding a course here in Germany is not easy and coming across Pilates for runners is a great gift! I am looking forward to digging in, I am not at all well balanced or talented with this but hope to improve!!