Rachel A. Buddeberg

Cologne, Germany

Jan 07 at 05:24 PM

I just finished my first week running post-Covid with three 30 minute super slow runs! 🥳 I've adapted a program based on research on professional athletes to get me back over several weeks to pre-illness levels because the first time I had Covid, I ended up with a heart palpitation scare - and would like to avoid that.

(For those interested: A summary of the research is here https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/health/a42304085/running-after-covid/ and an update to the infographic linked in the RW article is here https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2022/04/23/graduated-return-to-play-after-sars-cov-2-infection-what-have-we-learned-and-why-weve-updated-the-guidance/ )

Jan 07 at 05:20 PM

Love this! If you're on Instagram, check out the Pilates bear: https://www.instagram.com/pilatesbear/


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Dec 30 at 03:15 PM

I was going to do my own challenge and noticing how I've already fallen off, I am going to take this one on!

Dec 11 at 04:22 PM

Liz (Pilates for Runners) I just did the first of the series - and my calves are burning! A good burn, though... 😊 Very much looking forward to trying the other ones!


Dec 11 at 02:52 PM

Thanks for asking, Liz (Pilates for Runners) ! I haven't tried them yet as I am busy with the Xmas challenge...


Dec 08 at 06:41 PM

Yea, me, too: Short and sweet for my feet, calves and ankles...


Nov 27 at 03:34 PM

Liz (Pilates for Runners) Well, I learned my lesson! Today, I finished my run and just walked home. Since I was quite soaked thanks to the steady drizzle, I just hopped into the shower. And then later did one of your gloriously wonderful post run stretch videos! Ahhh, my body feels wonderful now that I settle back under the blanket with some warm tea ☕️


Nov 25 at 03:26 PM


Liz (Pilates for Runners) It went really well! Fortunately, I had the learning curve last year and have the clothes for the weather... I was quite bundled up! My the t-shirt on the outside helped, too... (I guess there was a reason I ordered one that was too large 🙃)

The only mistake I made: Stretch directly after my run instead of walking home first. I got cold doing that - but the walk home warmed me up again... My favorite 5K route is along an urban park that is in walking distance from my home. I use that walk as warm-up and cool down (or warm up again...).


Nov 25 at 07:34 AM

I am bundling up to run the (virtual) Point of Pride 5K today to raise funds for trans* people's health care needs. It's only 4°C outside, so the t-shirt might not display as well... Also, I'll warm up with one of your pre-run videos, Liz (Pilates for Runners)https://www.pointofpride.org/5k

Nov 19 at 04:53 PM

That is so funny! Thanks for sharing, Jo!
