Kath Richards

Mar 27 at 04:41 PM

Amazing, huge congratulations Sally. Hard work and perseverance pays off. You should be our poster girl for PfL !

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Mar 24 at 07:10 PM

Rachel A. Buddeberg yes, most definitely post menopausal Rachel 😀

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Mar 21 at 11:28 AM

Liz (Pilates for Runners) Thanks Liz, I'm still struggling to throw off this cold so no running for me, but I am managing some Pilates.

Thinking a bit more about the next Challenge.......the sessions that are my least favourite, because I find them the hardest (and therefore I suppose the ones I really need to concentrate on 😬) are single leg work (for both balance and strength) and foot calf and ankle strength. So much as I hate to say it - can we have more of those please? 

Another thought, would it be possible to include some pelvic floor work, either in the Challenge or as stand alone sessions? (I've seen your Masterclass on the pelvic floor btw) I think these days there's probably a lot more stress placed on the importance of this for new mums, but as someone who had their children 40 years ago I can't really remember it being talked about at the time, and it's something I've not included in my exercise routine on a regular basis, which I now regret.

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Mar 20 at 12:17 PM

Just getting caught up again after a week of no exercise due to a heavy cold. 

Personally I like the 10 minute sessions as I can combine a couple at a time (maybe one core and one upper back) which for some reason I find more appealing than one 20 minute session just focussing on one area. 

Mar 15 at 05:07 PM



Brenda Doig congratulations Brenda, enjoy your mobility session - you’ve earned it!


A good couple of weeks for me -

parkrun PB last month,

parkrun PB this week,

my fastest time for a couple of years in our club's monthly 5k competition on Tuesday,

Plus I shaved 1.5 minutes off my time last year for a 2 mile leg in a relay race a couple of weeks ago.

All these Pilates sessions are bearing fruit - keep the Challenges coming Liz!

Mar 02 at 03:51 PM

Lovely session, really enjoyed that.

Mar 01 at 03:59 PM

Good luck Caroline!


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Feb 29 at 03:09 PM

Nearly finished week 1, keeping the mobility session for after XC on Saturday 🙂