Rachel A. Buddeberg

Cologne, Germany

Oct 18 at 08:11 PM

Liz (Pilates for Runners) ALL of the people I mentioned above have told stories like this... It's utterly ridiculous - given that about half the planet goes through this tradition - how little we know and talk about it!

Glad HRT helped you! It seems that many doctors haven't learned that peri-menopause to last years...

I had heart palpitations for a couple years. There were several nights when I almost went to the emergency room because I thought I was having a heart attack. I had a couple of long-term EKGs (a Holter monitor where you have wires and boxes tied to you for a weekend or longer...).  I finally went to the one (!) NAMS-certified doctor in San Francisco, she adjusted my thyroid meds - and voila... Well, okay, she also explained how all of this was connected. (NAMS = North American Menopause Society, which, actually, is also a great resource: https://www.menopause.org/).


Oct 18 at 05:50 PM

Liz (Pilates for Runners) I hope you don't mind me sharing this! I found going through peri-menopause very lonely, so I want to share resources I discovered since... I know this isn't specifically Pilates related, though all are at least for active/athletic women*...

Replied on Good Luck!

Oct 09 at 06:12 PM

Nicola Sibley: Yes! Totally! Thanks so much for sharing your experience!

Replied on Good Luck!

Oct 07 at 02:36 PM

I ran at the sexy pace of 09:09 for a total of 45:45 🐢! No, not making that up 🤣. The times really are that funky... And during the 5K, I fielded a call from my Mom (I am an informal carer of my parents, so I take their calls as it could be an emergency). I was able to set a boundary (it wasn't an emergency) and called her back after I was done. It took me a good kilometer to get back into my running groove to finish off my first 60 minute run after bruising my knee in June... So success all around 🥳 I know it's neither a marathon nor a 50K, I am still proud of it! (Hats off to you who've done those! Right now, I cannot even imagine let alone run those 🙃)

And then! A couple hours later, I had an awesome Wunder Chair class at Pilates Cologne.


Replied on Good Luck!

Oct 07 at 06:44 AM

Yes! I love the whole concept 🙃 Although I hope to get a bit faster again as my body adjusts, it has helped me stick to a slow pace while doing heart rate training... 🐢


Replied on Good Luck!

Oct 07 at 06:41 AM

Liz (Pilates for Runners) Thank you, Liz! The weather here in Cologne is perfect - overcast and 15°C! I've eyed the weather in San Francisco CA (where I used to live and where one of the group Pride 5Ks takes place) - not quite as nice at 19°C...


Commented on Good Luck!

Oct 06 at 03:33 PM

Thank you, Liz (Pilates for Runners) ! I'll be running a virtual Pride 5K at my sexy pace (aka slow af...). Wishing all others a successful run - whatever "success" is for you!

More info on the Pride 5K: https://linktr.ee/Pride5k

And on that sexy pace & slow af reference: https://tinyurl.com/slowaf2

Commented on Go me!

Oct 02 at 08:11 AM

That's awesome, Catherine Brown ! Congratulations 🥳! How did you celebrate?


Sep 30 at 06:27 PM

That foot, calf, and ankle video was fun - and challenging 😊 

Sep 11 at 07:11 PM

I was going to start today but it's just too hot - inside (27°C, not budging...) and out (32°C, down to 25°C now)... There is cooler weather on its way, so hopefully, I can catch up soon 😎. Looking forward to it!!!