Rachel A. Buddeberg

Cologne, Germany

Commented on Good Luck!

Oct 06 at 03:33 PM

Thank you, Liz (Pilates for Runners) ! I'll be running a virtual Pride 5K at my sexy pace (aka slow af...). Wishing all others a successful run - whatever "success" is for you!

More info on the Pride 5K: https://linktr.ee/Pride5k

And on that sexy pace & slow af reference: https://tinyurl.com/slowaf2

Commented on Go me!

Oct 02 at 08:11 AM

That's awesome, Catherine Brown ! Congratulations 🥳! How did you celebrate?


Sep 30 at 06:27 PM

That foot, calf, and ankle video was fun - and challenging 😊 

Sep 11 at 07:11 PM

I was going to start today but it's just too hot - inside (27°C, not budging...) and out (32°C, down to 25°C now)... There is cooler weather on its way, so hopefully, I can catch up soon 😎. Looking forward to it!!!

Commented on App Update!

Aug 30 at 10:55 AM

Thank you so much for the update! Would it be possible to add a setting for other posts, not just for those by admins? That way we can also get notified when other people post...

Replied on APP IS READY!!!!

Aug 29 at 06:18 AM

Liz - Pilates for Runners Unfortunately, it's "not compatible with my device"... Maybe it just works on iPhones and iPads? It's really not a big deal! I just shared it because I wasn't sure if that was a "new bug" or something you already knew...


Commented on APP IS READY!!!!

Aug 27 at 04:52 PM

Just noticed that the videos that I worked through on my laptop don't show up as "watched" in the app.

(I am using it on an iPhone SE with iOS 16.6 and on a MacBook Air with MacOS 12.6.8 using Firefox 116.0.3 in case any of that makes a difference...)

Replied on APP IS READY!!!!

Aug 22 at 06:33 AM

I think apps pick up the default of the phone... It isn't too bad for me as I am fluid in both languages. I still thought it's funny...


Replied on APP IS READY!!!!

Aug 22 at 06:32 AM

Liz - Pilates for Runners Perfect! I'll do that! Thanks!!!


Commented on APP IS READY!!!!

Aug 21 at 03:29 PM

Signed in successfully from Germany! Little confusing as a lot is in German but I am used to this 🤣My Garmin watch is set to English the app in German…