Rachel A. Buddeberg

Cologne, Germany

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Jan 23 at 05:40 PM

Yes, this was a nice challenge! Really felt my lower abs engage especially in the last exercise 🥳

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Jan 21 at 04:17 PM

I just finished week 2 🥳 With that, I've had another week with Pilates on every day! I am sure life will interfere at some point 🤣

I didn't run this week since I am still struggling with post-Covid fatigue. Plus, Wednesday around noon, we got snow, which slowed down my walking. These two things seem to have helped me heal some more! My resting heart rate has come down, I feel less tired. So, the plan is to run a short and slow run tomorrow and, if all goes well, slowly increase... We'll see how that goes...

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Jan 14 at 07:10 PM

Just finished week 1 with the core workout 🥳 With that, I've done Pilates every single day: 3 classes in the studio and 4 here.

Jan 07 at 05:24 PM

I just finished my first week running post-Covid with three 30 minute super slow runs! 🥳 I've adapted a program based on research on professional athletes to get me back over several weeks to pre-illness levels because the first time I had Covid, I ended up with a heart palpitation scare - and would like to avoid that.

(For those interested: A summary of the research is here https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/health/a42304085/running-after-covid/ and an update to the infographic linked in the RW article is here https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2022/04/23/graduated-return-to-play-after-sars-cov-2-infection-what-have-we-learned-and-why-weve-updated-the-guidance/ )

Jan 07 at 05:20 PM

Love this! If you're on Instagram, check out the Pilates bear: https://www.instagram.com/pilatesbear/


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Dec 30 at 03:15 PM

I was going to do my own challenge and noticing how I've already fallen off, I am going to take this one on!

Dec 11 at 04:22 PM

Liz (Pilates for Runners) I just did the first of the series - and my calves are burning! A good burn, though... 😊 Very much looking forward to trying the other ones!


Dec 11 at 02:52 PM

Thanks for asking, Liz (Pilates for Runners) ! I haven't tried them yet as I am busy with the Xmas challenge...


Dec 08 at 06:41 PM

Yea, me, too: Short and sweet for my feet, calves and ankles...


Nov 27 at 03:34 PM

Liz (Pilates for Runners) Well, I learned my lesson! Today, I finished my run and just walked home. Since I was quite soaked thanks to the steady drizzle, I just hopped into the shower. And then later did one of your gloriously wonderful post run stretch videos! Ahhh, my body feels wonderful now that I settle back under the blanket with some warm tea ☕️
