Shari Barrett

That was hard 😭😂

Oct 30 at 07:20 AM

Agreed 🔥😂

Sep 12 at 07:27 AM

Last night was hard 😂 my legs/thighs/hips…some serious burn there….but good 👍🏽

Commented on APP IS READY!!!!

Aug 19 at 08:50 PM

Congratulations 🥂🎉 commenting from the app!!

Commented on NEED HELP!

Jul 27 at 05:27 PM



Jul 13 at 06:40 PM

Hey, Run Stronger is great, roughly 20min sessions

Also check out the ‘Weekly Schedule’ sessions. They’re a bit shorter and target all areas 😊



May 12 at 11:45 AM

Hey, it’s been great being a part of the Pilates for Runners crew for a couple of years now 😊

Over the last 6 weeks, I haven’t been able to run as much, due to achilles tendonitis and an achy/stiff shoulder.

I joined the run stronger programme, adapting some of the moves to suit, combined with physio exercises.

I went out for a couple of 5k’s last week, and was able to run consistently without my usual ‘run/walk’ method which I use when I’ve had some time out. I still had more in me to go beyond 5k and I put that down to the excellent ‘Run Stronger’ sessions. 

I’ve particularly focused on the ‘feet,calves, ankles’ and ‘upper body’ sessions. I’ve really noticed the difference in terms of strength & endurance, and range of motion in my shoulder as a result.

Brilliant to use to prevent injury, but I’ve really seen and felt the benefit in working through annoying niggles, to get me back on my feet!

Run Stronger will feature in my weekly sessions!

Thank you Liz 😊


Commented on Covid Recovery

Jul 25 at 10:56 PM

Similar to Jon, it’s taken me about 6 weeks post Covid to get back running again. Liz was really helpful with stretching suggestions to help with tightness/joint stiffness and also strengthening exercises. Def helped prepare my body for running again 😊

Commented on Race ready!

Jun 27 at 11:41 AM

Love this, really inspiring :)

Commented on Morning Movement #10

May 12 at 06:41 AM

Loving the new morning movements 😊