Kath Richards

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Nov 30 at 04:10 PM

Liz (Pilates for Runners) Hi Liz, my injury is a long standing non-running one. My right sacroiliac joint was damaged during a difficult delivery some 40 odd years ago. It only bothers me from time to time (I see a chiropractor when needed, as I did last week) but when it plays up it makes my right leg weak and sometimes there's numbness in my lower leg. It came on this time immediately after the last 10 minute foot, calf and ankle session I did.  I'm sure that session in itself wouldn't have been to blame, but it came after a very heavy week of running, and possibly it was the cumulative effect of all this which caused the problem. I've also picked up a virus so I'm having a break from both running and Pilates at the moment. Thanks for your offer of recommending sessions that I could still do, I'd be grateful if you would, and perhaps also advise if there are any that should be avoided altogether. Many thanks x 🙂

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Nov 29 at 07:10 PM

What if you were ill or injured and therefore pushing yourself to complete the sessions isn’t the best option? I’ve been injured, and unwell, the last couple of weeks, so been forced to give Pilates a miss. I thought I had time to catch up with missed sessions when fully recovered. It’s a bit demotivating if that’s not possible.

(Sorry if that sounds a negative viewpoint, just me feeling grumpy for not being able to get my Pilates fix 😞)

Nov 09 at 04:56 PM

Liz (Pilates for Runners) Hi Liz, I’ve just finished the second session and found it much easier 🙂


Nov 08 at 11:54 AM

Liz (Pilates for Runners) Just done the first one, and considering it was for beginners I found it quite tiring. Obviously this is a series I need!


Nov 07 at 11:32 AM

Liz@pilatesforrunners I'm looking forward to trying these, always providing I can find the time to fit them in with the Autumn Challenge 😀

Sep 25 at 01:24 PM

I've just done my first session of the Weekly Schedule today. Now I've completed the Run Stronger series I'm going to try to follow the WS, as well as adding in one or two other sessions that I feel I would benefit from. Love the idea of having beginner/improver options so if something is getting too tiring I can drop down to an easier level for a while. I totally agree with Ruth's comments below about the flexibility this series offers.

In general I've found the various videos on this site to be great all round training for runners. I've done Pilates before but as soon as I joined this group I noticed how focused the sessions were for runners - just what I've been looking for for ages. 

Sep 18 at 12:33 PM

Really enjoying these sessions, although I found today's quite tiring enough without incorporating weights. Maybe that is something to build up to. 

Sep 11 at 01:16 PM

Liz - Pilates for RunnersThanks Liz, I’ll try that one tomorrow. 


Sep 11 at 10:35 AM

Enjoyed this morning's session, but struggled a bit with twisting towards you while balancing on one leg. Obviously need to practice this.🙂


Sep 03 at 05:44 PM

Hi Liz, as the XC season is almost upon us do you think you could put together some exercises specifically with XC in mind? (I’m thinking mud, hills, uneven terrain etc)