Rachel Bradbury

Knighton, United Kingdom


Sep 07 at 08:11 PM

Without pilates, this wouldn't even be possible. Still rather nervous though,more so by my number...I hadn't taken into consideration just how many people will be there. I live in the middle of nowhere and see very few people 🙈



Jul 12 at 07:25 PM

On Saturday I did the Ludlow 10k. Not only was I 5 mins faster than last years,I won a cup! I was 2nd in my category. I never thought I would one day be on the podium collecting a prize. It's inspired me to keep getting stronger and faster.

Tomorrow night I have another race,the summer xc league. Ready to go out and smash it.

Just about to do a mobility session,just love how there are sessions for every occasion




Jul 04 at 08:57 PM

Yesterday I did a hilly 10k race and managed to smash 7 pb's. The one that shocked me most was 9mins off my previous 10k pb! I actually didn't believe my garmin,thought it had been a bit generous. It turned out my chip time was actually a bit faster than my watch.

Happy is an understatement.

Took the legs for a 5k spin today,thinking they might be a bit achy but no,they felt amazing!

Other runners always say to me...it gets easier. I never believed them. I now feel like I've turned that corner. And dare I say it,I'm even enjoying it!

Pilates is a gamechanger.

Life is good.

Thanks Liz




Jun 26 at 08:57 PM

Thanks to this amazing pilates platform I am running consistently without injury. Everything is feeling strong 💪.

And I am entering races left,right and centre. I have 3 coming up in the next 2 weeks and I'm so ready 🙌.

I have been working on the single leg sessions recently, legs feeling the burn.

What should I be focusing on to prepare for my race heavy fortnight?

Rach x

Ps you rock!!